Behind on rent
due to Covid-19?


About the Program
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) has been created to help individuals and families who have been financially impacted by COVID-19 to pay rent and/or utilities dating as early as March 2020. If you rent your home and have fallen behind in monthly payments to your landlord, you may be eligible for funding that could prevent you from eviction due to non-payment.

What Will I Need to Apply
Your landlord’s name, mailing address, and telephone number
Statement of rent owed or eviction notice from your landlord
Birth certificate OR Real ID Driver’s License and Social Security cards for all household members. Immigration status is not required to apply
Signed copy of lease/rental agreement
Valid ID or current utility bill verifying USVI residency
Past due notice showing utilities owed (electric and/or water)
Copy of 2019 tax return (if applicable)
Proof of household income status (as applicable)
Unemployment insurance statement
Job letter
Layoff or furlough letter
At least 2 months worth of paystubs
Social Security benefit letter
How Can I Apply?

In Person
To apply in person, please call us at 684-633-5155 or email us at info@doc.as to schedule an appointment.