The Department of Commerce Statistics and Analysis Division released the 2022 Statistical Yearbook.
The yearbook is the thirty-ninth edition of this publication, which provides statistics and trends of the Territory's demographic, social, and economic characteristics from censuses, surveys, and administrative records. I hope these data series on population, health, education, law enforcement, climate, land use, migration, trade, government finances, prices, employment, agriculture, utilities, and national accounts, promote and perpetuate interest in the pursuit of happiness and wellbeing of the people of American Samoa.
The collection and analysis of raw data summarized in the Statistical Yearbook would not be possible without the cooperation of many local and federal government agencies, private businesses, and individuals. The Department of Commerce wishes to express our most profound appreciation to those who have contributed to this edition. I look forward to any valuable input submitted to improve the quality and contents of the yearbook.
This publication is valuable and informative for good governance, sound decision-making, and evidenceÂbased planning.
The 2022 Statistical Yearbook will be available electronically on the American Samoa Department of Commerce's website: Alternatively, those who request a copy may call the Statistics and Analysis Division at 633-0120 or email us at